Yes, when it comes to keeping up with our blog... total and complete fail. However, I think we have a good excuse ;)
These last few months have gone by incredibly fast and we are just greatful that in spite of the fact that we don't have it all blogged we do have it all in photos (which you can refer to our FB pages for) :)... and memories of course.
A couple of highlights from the past couple of months.
Thanksgiving was kinda awesome and truly unforgetable. We hosted a Thanksgiving lunch party at our place with some great friends. Our friend Leland made the Turkey in our oven and well... if you were able to see our oven you would know that it takes some magic and skill to accomplish such a task. Not only did he accomplish it but it was one of the best turkeys we have ever had! Yummy!
I made all the other things one might love on a Thanksgiving table... except for cranberry sauce. Since we can't get fresh cranberries, I was gonna settle for canned but of course waiting till the last week to buy it was a bad idea and all the other foreigners snatched all the cans up. Lame. And of course being 8 months pregnant... I had an emotional breakdown over it. We got past it and Thanksgiving was a success ;)
December... oh December.
With baby on the way we hustled to get last minute things for the nursery and made sure to get as much "us" time in as possible. Most of that "us" time took place in our humble city of Chichibu as I was scared out of my mind to be prancing around Tokyo and having my water break.
Chichibu's night festival was at the top of the month and our friends Chris and Mel came out to join us for the cold, fireworks, crowds, street food and fun!
It had everything wonderful about a festival in this country! Yummy snacks from street vendors, the most amazing fireworks show that can be compared with no other in my mind, tons of people, beautiful traditional floats and just a really great time. One of the best times we have shared here in Chichibu.
Our due date was set for the 19th and the doctor said if the baby hadn't arrived by then that they would enduce on the 20th because according to Japanese standards the baby was big and didn't want me to go much longer.
Very long story, short... we checked into the hospital on the 20th at 2PM to be induced and after several attempts of being induced and 56 hours later at 12:34AM our beautiful daughter was born.
We spent a total of 10 days in the hospital and I had the best coach anyone could ask for... my husband. He was so great and I really could not have done it without him.
The day I was released to come home our family (Zephs parents, grandparents and sister) arrived in Japan to celebrate the arrival of the new princess with us for a couple of weeks.
Most of our time was spent in the apartment staring at Shiloh and taking pictures of her ;) but Zeph did manage to get everyone out for a couple of trips into Tokyo to enjoy some sightseeing and tasty food. It was so great to have everyone here and have them share this memory of "Japan" and Shiloh's arrival with us.
Jan- Feb
Winter has been wonderful so far and not too cold with snowfall only a couple of times (which was beautiful). Big props to Zeph for driving in the snow like a pro without ever having done so!
We cannot believe that our time here is coming to an end... and so rapidly. This year has been nothing short of unexpected and wonderful. With only 5 weeks left, we are soaking in all the beauty around us and loving our time here together and look forward to coming back here one day and showing Shiloh where she was born!
I'm sure I am missing a whole bunch of things but what can you expect from a new mama??? ;)
More later... maybe.
Looking forward to introducing the best souvenir we could ask for to you all... soon. Hope this blog finds you all doing really well and enjoying life!
thanks for reading!