Sunday, February 28, 2010

2 Weeks Notice...


The thought of leaving in two weeks from today is almost incomprehensible to me. I can't foresee getting everything done that we need to. I keep imagining us on the plane and realizing "oh darn we forgot..." and that "..." will be something really really important. Not a fabulous feeling and I am trying to ignore it and just be organized.

Still waiting on important paperwork to come through, still need to pack (although we did buy luggage today) and still need to see a whole buncha people.

Slightly overwhelmed and busy-

Aside from those two things... we are really excited and truly cannot believe how fast this has come upon us. We have two weeks left here and then its on to a new thing for a while...

P.S- trying to diet and eat all the great tasty things that we will miss at the same time... not an easy task.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Leaving in one month!!!

So I thought I would blog our trip. Mostly for us but also for our family and friends.
I am starting today because well... from here on out it is Japan, Japan, Japan!

In a month from today we'll be on a plane ride. A long plane ride.
So much to do.
Pack, oraganize, eat a lot of Karen's cooking, breathe in LA's smog, watch a lot of the Food Network and most importantly enjoy our friends and family's faces.

We are looking forward to the adventure. We anticipate good times.

If you feel so inclined:

We need prayer for paper work to come together, finances, Zeph's final classes and papers to get done with as little stress as possible and wisdom for packing.

So here is to many blogs to come...